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    What Are The Black Diamonds ?

    What Are The Black Diamonds ?

    Black Diamonds are of Carbonado Variety. Carbonado, commonly known as the "black diamond", is the toughest form of natural diamond. It is found primarily in alluvial deposits in the Central Africa Republic and in Brazil. Its natural color is black or dark grey, and it is more porous than other diamonds.  

    Carbonados have been dated from 2.6 to 3.8 billion years old, which also might explain why they have only been found in Brazil and in the Central African Republic. During that span of the Earth’s history, what is now Brazil may have been joined to the western coast of Africa. (This “super-continent” pairing actually preceded the better-known Gondwanaland). It is possible that a diamond meteorite struck the Earth at that time, accounting for Carbonado’s current distribution. 

    Incredibly beautiful gemstone black, moreover, very mysterious. As you know, white and colorless diamonds mined deep underground, while the black diamond or black diamond, and are almost on the ground in the uppermost layers.


    Black Diamonds when mined are Grey in color and need treatment to bring out its Black Color. They are treated with High Pressure and High Temperature (HPHT). This treatment does not alter the nature of the Diamonds and neither does it diminish its value.  

    They are not irradiated and neither any artificial coloring matter or chemicals added to the same.


    Are Black Diamonds Real?


    If you mean to ask if there are diamonds that are black in color then the answer is absolutely - black diamonds are real!

    However, there are several types of black diamonds. There are man-made black diamonds, there are natural black diamonds and there are treated black diamonds. All are real but there is a vast difference between the different types of black diamonds and if you plan on buying one, you should know that there is also a HUGE difference in value.

    natural black diamonds – also called fancy black diamonds and Carbonados, man-made black diamonds and treated black diamonds which are the ones most people refer to when they search for black diamonds – even if they are not aware of it. We'll explain the differences between the types :

    1. Natural Black Diamonds are actually quite different than other colored diamonds. The "dry" explanation to what a black diamond is, is an impure form of polycrystalline diamond consisting of diamond, graphite, and amorphous carbon. Not that clear...

      But in other words, while "regular" natural colored diamonds get their color due to impurities that are attached to them during the formation process (for example boron causes blue diamonds), black diamonds are similar to white diamonds that have an extremely high amount of inclusions, clusters of graphite inside of them to the point that they simply appear black.
    2. Treated black diamonds are regular white diamonds that are usually of extremely low value due to the high amount of inclusions in them. Since they have so many inclusions, as white diamonds the only use for them is as industry grade diamonds, however, with the help of treatments such as irradiation or heat.

      In a way, a more suitable name for these diamonds (which I've seen used numerous times) is "colorless treated black diamonds" or simply "black colored diamonds". Since for the creation of this type of black diamonds "useless" white diamonds are used, these are the cheapest type of black diamonds.
    3. Manmade / lab grown / synthetic / Simulant black diamonds are not diamonds in the normal sense of the word. While to me these are basically all more less the same, I believe that those who deal with these type of diamonds would not agree with me (and would be very angered with me).

      We treat all of these as faux but to be honest there is a vast difference between them. Lab grown diamonds are actually in a way hi-tech companies and the while treated diamonds are vastly cheaper than regular diamonds they are still not cheap. This is why you can see a marketplace for lab-grown pink diamonds and blue – which are expensive colors of colored diamonds but cannot see cheaper colors such as brown and black. The only reason We stated "manmade black diamonds" here is because I know it is searched for and written about but to be honest We have never encountered such – probably because it is not economic to produce. Simulants / synthetics are just like buying zirconia and are almost free


    10 Facts of Black diamonds

    1. Black diamonds are also referred to as “carbonados diamonds”. This term was coined by the Portuguese for the way black diamonds look, burnt or carbonized in appearance, like porous charcoal
    2. Black diamonds have only been found in Brazil and Central Africa. It’s important to note that these two lands were adjacent in prehistoric times. Coincidence? We think not…
    3. Diamonds are typically found in kimberlite deposits, but black diamonds are exclusively found in alluvial deposits. These are deposits and sediments that have been created by a river or some other source of running water.
    4. Larger black diamonds are actually made up of millions of other smaller black crystals. Traditionally, diamonds are a single, solid stone, but black diamonds are bound together by internal inclusions that hold millions of smaller pieces together. This is known as a polycrystalline structure and it is what gives them their color and also the reason why spots can appear dark grey.
    5. Black diamonds are considered either as a curse or a blessing, depending on where you are. In ancient Indian culture, black diamonds were considered cursed because they resemble the color of a spider or snake’s eyes. The parable was even adopted as the representation of Yama, the god of death. However, in Italian culture black diamonds can be seen as a sign of reconciliation. Italians believed that touching a black stone would bring them good fortune in their marriage and would help pass any martial issues.
    6. Black diamonds are a carbon isotope, meaning the posses the same chemical element but have different atomic weight and physical properties, maybe a reason why black diamonds are more difficult to cut than other colored diamonds.
    7. There are three main theories of how black diamonds are formed. These include the theory that black diamonds are formed through a meteoric impact. Another theory is that black diamonds are formed through radiation. Scientists believe that they could be the result of spontaneous fission of uranium and thorium. The last theory is perhaps the most out of this world, quite literally. Some scientists believe that black diamonds were formed in outer space. They theorize that black diamonds were formed in hydrogen-rich interstellar space and came to Earth via an asteroid crash between 2-4 million years ago. 
    1. Black diamonds are tougher than any other diamond. They are a 10 on the Moh’s hardness scaleand their dense polycrystalline structure makes them more difficult to cut and polish than colorless diamonds.
    2. Black diamonds don’t shine in the traditional sense. Black diamonds actually absorb light instead of reflecting it, meaning their beauty comes from their surface which is polished like marble.
    3. One of the most famous black diamonds is the Black Orlov, a 67.5 carat diamond, which is thought to be cursedafter several owners have met an unfortunate end while having the diamond in their possession.

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